2020 Archive
Scott Barley GB
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Sleep Has Her House / 2017 / 90’

Sheep Got Waxed - soundtrack for a silent film LT
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Jeano Cocteau / The Blood of a Poet / Le Sang d’un poète / 1930 / 55’

Enzo Cillo IT
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Fire / Ἐκπύρωσις (ekpýrosis) / 2018 / 14’
Between / Μεταξύ (Metaxy) / 2019 / 46’

Audriaus Mickevičiaus retrospective LT
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NO / NE / 2003m. / 42’30’’
Audrius Mickevičius - interdisciplinary artist, film retrospective dedicated to his memory, (1965-2017)

Wojciech Ulman PL
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KONTAKT / 2013m. / 4’
The Act / 2015m. / 19’25’’
Shining / Olśnienie / 2016m. -2018m. / 29’04’’

Experimental Films by Polish Authors Part II PL
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20 Ways Out to a Clearing / Alan Willmann / 2015m. / 3’45’’
Beans / Katarzyna Borelowska / 2016m. / 7’
Same from the beginning / To samo od początku / Michał Bugalski / 2015m. / 3’
Portret / Michał Bugalski / 2011m. / 3’51’’
BENIGHTED / Maria Ornaf / 2014m. / 7’
HOW DOES A HUMAN IMMORTALISE HIMSELF / COME L’UOM S’ETERNA / Weronika Ławniczak / 2015m. / 4’36’’
Dom / Olga Kowalska / 2016m. / 3’38’’
Obiekty-wizm / Piotr Urbaniec / 2014m. / 12’25’’
The tale of the formation of a black hole / Bajka o powstaniu czarnej dziury / Karolina Gołębiowska / 2017 / 4’22’’

Experimental Films by Latvian Authors Part II LV
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Sisyphus Condition/ Ieva Balode / 2018m. / 11’
Equal Tense / Ieva Balode / 2018m. / 7’
Commission / Ieva Balode / 2019m. / 6’
Take-Off / Signe Birkova / 2016m. / 9’
Touch of Dzenis / Signe Birkova / 2017m. / 12’
His Name Was Chaos Bērziņš / Signe Birkova / 2018m. / 24’48’’
28 Years Later / 28 gadus vēlāk / Lāsma Bērtule / 2018m. - 2019m. / 10'
Ieva & Dainis crack the code / Ieva & Dainis uzlauž kodu / Lāsma Bērtule / 2018m. / 5'

Seven Sins of Memory - Hybrid cinema, live performance LV
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Seven Sins of Memory / Ieva Balode (image) and Maksims Šenteļevs (sound) / 55’

Experimental films by Lithuanian authors LT
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Bomb /Bomba / Saulius Leonavičius / 2009m. / 9’50’’
Untitled / Salvijus Misevičius / 2020m. / 7’30’’
Paradise / Salvijus Misevičius / 2019m. / 6’20’’
The Court / Aišktelė / Tadas Šlajus / 2017m. / 14’50’’
Documentary of Fiction / Danielius Minkevičius / 2018m. / 15’

Paulius Kilbauskas and Domas Strupinskas, live scoring of the film "SPOON" LT, LV
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Spoon / Laila Pakalniņa / 2020m. / 65'

Experimental Films Screening Part I IT, LT
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Fire / Ἐκπύρωσις (ekpýrosis) / Enzo Cillo / 2018m. / 14’
Between / Μεταξύ (Metaxy) / Enzo Cillo / 2019m. / 46’
Adamah / Tadas Šlajaus / 2018m. / 27'
Panspermija / Mindaugas Docaitis / 2019m. / 25'

Experimental Films Screening Part II PL, LT
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20 Ways Out to a Clearing / Alan Willmann / 2015m. / 3’45’’
Beans / Katarzyna Borelowska / 2016m. / 7’
Same from the beginning / To samo od początku / Michał Bugalski / 2015m. / 3’
Portret / Michał Bugalski / 2011m. / 3’51’’
Bomba / Saulius Leonavičius / 2009m. / 9’50’’
Untitled / Salvijus Misevičius / 2020m. / 7’30’’
The court / Aišktelė / Tadas Šlajus / 2017m. / 14’50’’
Documentary of Fiction / Danielius Minkevičius / 2018m. / 15’
Paradise / Salvijus Misevičius / 2019m. / 6’20’’

Audriaus Mickevičiaus retrospective LT
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NO / NE / 2003m. / 42’30’’
Audrius Mickevičius - interdisciplinary artist, film retrospective dedicated to his memory, (1965-2017)

Educational experimental cinema programme for students
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Introducing students to the concepts of cinema and art, the place of experimental cinema, its importance, development and history.
Educational experimental cinema programme for students
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Introducing students to the concepts of cinema and art, the place of experimental cinema, its importance, development and history.
Experimental films screening IT, LT
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Fire / Ἐκπύρωσις (ekpýrosis) / Enzo Cillo / 2018m. / 14’
Between / Μεταξύ (Metaxy) / Enzo Cillo / 2019m. / 46’
Adamah / Tadas Šlajaus / 2018m. / 27'
Panspermija / Mindaugas Docaitis / 2019m. / 25'